Seize the Moment: TEFCA Value Tomorrow, TEFCA Action Today
Discover how TEFCA is paving the way for nationwide healthcare data interoperability, offering immediate cost-saving opportunities and long-term benefits for seamless data exchange across the industry.
Leap Orbit’s RxGov Prescription Monitoring Platform Launches in Canada
Leap Orbit’s RxGov Prescription Monitoring Platform Launches in New Brunswick, Canada, making it the first fully bilingual PDMP in the country, supporting both English and French speakers, and a critical tool for promoting patient safety, healthcare collaboration, and combating substance use disorders.
Leap Orbit Achieves Privacy and Security Re-Accreditation from DirectTrust™
Leap Orbit maintains security accreditation to protect sensitive health information and ensure secure health data exchanges.
Humanizing Data: How RxGov Shapes Responsible Opioid Prescribing Practices
In response to growing concerns over biased addiction risk algorithms, Leap Orbit’s RxGov platform champions transparency and patient-centered care, offering healthcare providers nuanced insights without relying on opaque scoring systems that can perpetuate stigma or hinder patient access to necessary treatment.
Leap Orbit Re-Enters Prescription Monitoring Market, Acquiring RxGov
Leap Orbit announced today that it has re-acquired the RxGov Prescription Drug Monitoring Platform (PDMP), which it sold to NIC in 2018. NIC is now a part of Tyler Technologies, a leading provider of integrated software and technology services to the public sector.
Leap Orbit’s Convergent Provider Data Hub Selected by the Washington Health Benefit Exchange
Leap Orbit, the innovation partner to market-leading health data networks, announced today that has been awarded a new contract from the Washington Health Benefit Exchange, Washington’s state-based exchange. Leap Orbit’s Convergent Provider Data Hub will deliver comprehensive, up-to-date provider information to power the Exchange’s online marketplace, Washington Healthplanfinder.
Leap Orbit Achieves EHNAC Privacy & Security (P&S) Accreditation
“EHNAC accreditation is a demonstration to our customers and the market of our seriousness about privacy and security,” said Mrinal Bhasker, a Leap Orbit partner and its CISO.
Automation and Closed-Loop Health IT
To prepare for the next public health emergency, and to improve the way healthcare is delivered in normal times, a new generation of healthcare IT systems must incorporate data automation to ensure virtually real-time entry, exchange, and intelligence.
How to Validate Doctor Data from a Google Spreadsheet
Google Sheets comes with a JavaScript-based language called Apps Script. In this tutorial, we’ll use Apps Script to validate provider NPIs, names, and addresses stored in a Google spreadsheet. This is a quick way to get started using the Convergent provider data validating API, even if you’re not a programmer yourself.
Maryland HIE improves provider data workflows/transparency with Leap Orbit Provider Directory API
CRISP, a regional health information organization that acts as Maryland's state-designated health information exchange (HIE), long recognized the need for a dependable, accurate set of provider data.
Leap Orbit tapped by VillageCare for FHIR-powered provider search
VillageCare received raw data extracts from their third-party administrator (TPA) that necessitated monthly master list updates through an unwieldy manual process to create and disseminate multiple provider directories to their members.
Provider directory APIs should be more than an afterthought
Many patient-access and MMIS vendors are offering to throw in a provider directory API solution as a bonus. Here are three reasons why implementing the provider directory API should be a strategic investment more than an afterthought.
How will a Biden Presidency Affect Health Interoperability?
Biden has been very involved in the push towards health information exchange and interoperability. He served as the presiding officer for the 21st Century Cures Act and launched his "Cancer Moonshot." Meanwhile, he has been outspoken during the last four years of the Trump administration. Specifically in his Fortune commentary in March, 2018, he made some high-level critiques of the Trump administration's efforts towards interoperability, while outlining some specific action items.
Will PDMPs Remain a Vital Tool in the Opioid Response, or a Costly Burden?
New battle lines are being drawn in an important corner of the nation’s broad fight to control the opioid epidemic. Health IT professionals should sit up and take notice.
Enabling data sharing through Health Information Exchanges to improve patient outcomes
CRISP, the HIE for Maryland, and for West Virginia and DC via partnership, has been collaborating with Microsoft and Leap Orbit to create open-source solutions that other states’ HIEs can leverage and build upon. I recently spoke with David Horrocks, president and CEO of CRISP, to learn more about this ground-breaking initiative.