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About Us

Founded in 2015, Leap Orbit delivers innovative interoperability solutions for health plans, government agencies, health information exchanges and commercial healthcare enterprises. Leap Orbit technology impacts the care of millions of patients across North America, from the Pacific Northwest to the Mid-Atlantic to Maritime Canada.  Our philosophy is to run towards healthcare's biggest challenges, such as the opioid crisis and inaccurate provider data. 

Leadership Team


Mrinal Bhasker

Co-Founder and Partner

Mrinal is a national health IT leader and serial entrepreneur who has been at the forefront of the health IT revolution for over 20 years. He has played an important role in helping ten U.S. states build sustainable health information exchange infrastructures. He loves anticipating trends and opportunities in the ever-evolving field and helping lay the foundation for the future of healthcare.

Mrinal co-founded Leap Orbit with a vision to leave the world a better place by creating lasting value in society through innovation. With his decades of expertise, he built an organization where he could both consult directly with customers to solve pressing problems as well as flex his creative muscle building and scaling innovative products. It is those engines that feed into each other – consulting sparking product ideas and product development highlighting a broader applicability – that make Leap Orbit special. In hiring, he is looking for people who are self-regulated, motivated and above all, empathetic. 

Prior to Leap, he co-founded RightCare Solutions (acquired by NaviHealth) and HealthUnity (acquired by ZeOmega). Mrinal was a founding principal and Vice President of Technology at Audacious Inquiry, an industry shaping, high growth health IT products and consulting business (acquired by PointClickCare). Earlier in his career, he was a member of the founding team at (acquired by Microsoft). When at Microsoft, Mrinal worked on teams building enterprise products. He holds a BS from IIT Kanpur and an MBA in finance and entrepreneurship from the Wharton School.

Outside of work, Mrinal likes spending time with his family, singing, and playing musical instruments. He is a nature lover and enjoys the outdoors running, hiking, skiing, and rollerblading. Mrinal is passionate about learning to do new things and aspires one day to write a fiction novel.


David Finney

Co-Founder and Partner

David is a healthcare technology expert who has been driving innovative programs in healthcare for over a decade. He’s incredibly proud of helping to bring the RxGov PDMP product to market, giving him the opportunity to travel the country in support of the fight against the opioid epidemic. He wears many hats including chief problem solver, obstacle remover, invoice payer, client adviser and new business developer.

David co-founded Leap with the vision of bringing a smart group of people together to make a meaningful difference in the world. With deep knowledge of healthcare technology, an entrepreneurial spirit and technical prowess, he built a company that is able to identify unmet market needs, incubate solutions and accelerate them into the market through a proven set of processes. He takes an intuitive approach to business, believing that making space for flexibility to be creative is imperative to success. David values empathy and self-awareness in others and believes that small teams are where the magic happens. In hiring, he looks for people who are driven by working on important things with smart people and don’t take themselves too seriously.

Prior to founding Leap, David served as a senior advisor to CRISP where he was focused on integrated care in support of Maryland’s unique, all-payer hospital financing model. Previously he was a principal at Audacious Inquiry overseeing the firm’s growing federal healthcare consulting practice. He played an ongoing advisory role at the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT within HHS and at CRISP. David helped to author early planning reports on the trajectory of Maryland’s HIE and the federal funding requests that established CRISP’s Statewide HIE and Regional Extension Center cooperative agreements. Previously David worked in media and financial services. He holds a BA from Yale and an MA from Johns Hopkins.

When not working, David enjoys hunting, fishing and snowboarding depending on the season. He’s also pretty handy around the house. Previously, he and his wife spent two years in Botswana as Peace Corps volunteers, supporting the U.S.-led mobilization to combat Africa’s HIV/AIDS epidemic. Unlike Mrinal, David actually has written a novel, it just hasn’t been published (yet!).


Our Vision

To reach a future where shared health data is made useful for every person in the US.